
Forage Additives

/DataEditorUploads/Biotal Axcool leaflet 2017.pdf

Forage quality is vital to ensure optimum health and productivity for dairy cows and beef cattle.

Morton's encourages farmers to optimise the production of home grown forage and feed. This is achieved by ensuring crops are harvested at the right time and a suitable additive applied to enhance the feed value and ensure good preservation and feed-out.

To find out more please contact the Morton's team. 


Grass silage has the potential to be a relatively high energy, high protein feed that requires minimal supplementation under the correct conditions.

The increasing use of additives over the years has helped the fermentation process and the preservation of important nutrients.

Additives must be specific to the conditions the crop experiences. Different considerations should be given to crops with high and low dry matters because they will undergo individual fermentation pathways to achieve the desired preservation.

Biotal have developed products for low and high dry matter silage.

 for low dry matter grass

 for high dry matter grass

  is the additive of choice for preservation only


Biotal's inoculant technology allows aerobically unstable products to be clamped or baled successfully, enabling farmers to provide an increasing proportion of their feed requirements for milk and meat systems from home grown sources.

for fermented wholecrop cereals between 35% and 45% dry matter

for moist crimped cereal grains or legume seeds 


When feeding out in the summer, with higher ambient temperatures, it is very important to use a crop specific additive to improve aerobic stability.

maizecool and solomaize prevent yeast and mould spoilage, thereby reducing heating and increasing aerobic stability which leads to improved forage utilisation.

 for maize silage to improve aerobic stability and utilisation

 for maize silage to improve aerobic stability